We are bringing our fun Drag Bingo evening back ...this time our host is Wilma Fingadoo

Tickets available now !! Contact commitee@beenhamclub.co.uk or Beenham Club  via Facebook to secure your seats

A bit about us .....


For those that aren't aware the Club is a non profit organisation that began it's life as Beenham Working Mens Club. We were open 7 days a week including lunchtimes at weekends and employed 2 full time stewards.... times have changed greatly and we are now run COMPLETELY by volunteers. We are a non profit business but obviously still have to make money to keep going,  and like everybody we have bills to pay which have greatly increased.  


Those that volunteer at the club all work full time but still find time to place orders,  visit cash and carry,  do the cleaning, recycling,  maintenance,  organise events,  provide cellar duties,  banking,  ensure licences and insurance are up to date and other tasks which are required to keep the club going.


We offer various functions to the Community such as Live Music,  Bingo,  Darts knockouts,  Acoustic night and we open for other groups to hold meetings eg Beenham Allotment group, Berkshire Drivers Association...


We do pride ourselves on providing Live Music on your doorstep,  no need to pay for taxis to see some of the same bands that play in town.... most of these events are also free to attend.


Of course none of this would be possible without the support of our lovely customers - we really appreciate you all. BUT there is always room for new customers as well,  so if you haven't visited any of our events please come along and see for yourself the community spirit we have in the club at the centre of the village?


If you would like to be involved and help us in any way then please visit the club and speak to one of the committee members. 





****We now have air con and internal doors linking to the hall which offers a larger venue to hire for parties and functions**** 


Club for Hire 

The Club is available to hire for private parties/functions. 

This includes the venue, Bar staff and Led lighting backdop.

Just let us now your requirements and we will try to accommodate you we can be contacted via Email, webpage "contact us form", visit the club, telephone or facebook

From our simple beginnings to the present-day structure the basic principles of our club have remained the same, that is to offer a sociable environment for people to relax and enjoy a drink.

If you want to find out more about our club, this is the right place for it. You will find everything you need to know - our history, achievements, past, present and upcoming events.

You will also find information on membership and can download the application form (membership is free)


We are a Club with traditions.

If you are: a group or team looking for somewhere to meet, interested in forming a Darts, Crib, Whist or Dominoes Team to play in local leagues - why not base yourselves at Beenham Club.

 Looking for somewhere to hold a Party or a Charity fundraising event again why not base yourselves at Beenham Club - give us a call or ask at the Bar and we will try to accommodate you

Become a member

An association is given purpose through the commitment and enthusiasm of its members.  The valued support of Beenham Club members and patrons ensures that our club remains active, alive and well.


Forms are available to download here or from the Club Bar- once completed hand to a member of the committee or at the bar :-)


Any questions?

Call us on 01189713991 or use our contact form if you have any questions, requests or suggestions

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© Beenham Club