Sat 8th October CHARITY RACE NIGHT in Aid of Dreams Come True
SUNDAY 28th August
The Rag n Moan Men
Club open 3pm Music from 4pm
Saturday 30th April DIVA SOUL
Saturday 9th April 2022 The Junction
Club open from 7.30pm Music from 9pm
Sunday 13th March Thomas Heppell
Come and enjoy a mellow Sunday afternoon of music with the super talented Thomas Heppell. After making a real impact on us Thomas is
returning for his second appearance
Club open 3pm Music from 4pm
Saturday 12th March 2022 ContraBand
Live music ContraBand will be playing Rock covers for us to dance and sing the night away
SUNDAY 6th FEb 2022 3pm The Rag & Moan Men
Sat 5th Feb
Sunday 9th January 2022 Thomas Heppell
Come and enjoy a mellow Sunday afternoon of music with the super talented Thomas Heppell